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Dashes on White

Exercise and healthy habits can truly change your life. Trust me, I know first hand.

About Me

When I was just ten years old, I was introduced to Weight Watchers. Unaware that I needed to lose weight, things spiralled downwards...

Insecurities started to kick in and I was bullied at school. I had zero self-confidence and at the age of just 16, following some major family issues, I left home.


I drifted through various jobs, living on people’s sofas, without any sense of belonging. Years of depression followed and it was only when I met my husband, Neil, at 21, that I truly began to embrace my true sense of identity, purpose and worth. 

Years later, I finally discovered my birth family (that's another story in itself!) and things started to click into place. 


Knowing how much I’d always enjoyed sports and exercise, Neil encouraged me to get outside my comfort zone and convinced me to put it into practice. I did a Personal Training course and the rest, as they say – is history!

Strength in Body & Mind

Dashes on White

"I love the positivity that exercise brings, how it builds a community founded on support and self-confidence."

Mental and physical health are intertwined and with my help, I will show you how fitness can boost your self-confidence and happiness, allowing you to be your best self.

Whether you're taking your first, tentative steps in the gym, or you're a super-fit marathon runner, having the right person in your corner to motivate and encourage you can be life-changing.

Clients say I am patient, encouraging, enthusiastic and above all, passionate about my mission to make fitness accessible and enjoyable. So, whenever you're ready, I'm here to help boost your confidence and shed your insecurities so you can look good and feel great.

Ready To Get Started?

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